Recall Notice - EY11016



EY11016 - Wooden Sparkle Nesting Rings

Dear Customer

TTS has become aware of a potential entrapment issue with the Wooden Sparkle Nesting Rings sold between January 2021 and May 2023 and according to our records, TTS has supplied you with at least one of these products in the time period specified above.

A picture containing person, clothing, wooden, indoor

Description automatically generatedA picture containing tableware, circle, brown, tan

Description automatically generated


What is the problem?

At TTS we take product quality very seriously.  We have identified that the rings have the potential to become stuck on or over a child’s head and we believe there is a risk that a child could become entrapped if a ring is placed over their head. Whist this isn’t an immediate danger to the child, the difficulty in removing the ring could lead to unnecessary discomfort and trauma. 

What should you do now?

Attached to this communication is a product recall notice documenting the action that you need to take, please ensure that you forward this immediately to any customers that you have supplied this product to and confirm once this action has been taken.  Can you also confirm how many units of this product you are currently holding in stock and contact us to prove disposal/destruction of these products, along with the quantity and destruction of units sent to your customers.

How fast do I need to act?

You need to act immediately please.

We apologizes for the inconvenience caused but we are sure you agree that quality and safety must always come first.  We thank you for your co-operation in helping us resolve this issue and for your continued support and custom. 

Yours sincerely

Jayne Henry

Director of Customer Experience



If you require any further information, then please contact our International Customer Service team by emailing